- 1 Εγκατάσταση openSUSE
- 2 openSUSE και λογισμικό
- 3 Hardware
- 4 Επικοινωνία
- 5 AppArmor
- 6 Εξωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι
Εγκατάσταση openSUSE
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openSUSE και λογισμικό
Where are the package repositories?
To make use of the standard package repositories, see Package repositories. For information on additional repositories, see Additional package repositories, or use the Software Repositories module in YaST.
What other package sources can I enable and add?
As well as the online openSUSE package repository, you might consider adding the Packman repository. For more information on these and a quick howto, see Repositories on openSUSE-Community.org.
"A ZYpp transaction is already in progress"
If you get this error at any time, make sure that all programs that might be using the package management system have been closed down. This includes Zypper, YaST package manager module and any application accessing the RPM database. If you are sure that none of these are running, then one of them might be misbehaving. To kill the offending process, execute:
That works if it's zypper, but YaST can be running and tying up the lock, and it won't show up with lsof. Instead, try looking at the same thing zypper is looking at when it gives you the error:
/var/run/zypp.pid is the lock file for zypper. If it exists, it contains the pid of the process holding the lock. Use ps to check for what program it is like:
Then kill it if it makes sense to do it. If, as is possible, that process doesn't exist, then
will fix the problem.
Why isn't MPEG-4/encrypted DVDs/Quicktime etc. support available?
Legal restrictions prevent various packages and formats openSUSE users frequently request to be included in openSUSE from being distributed. See Restricted formats for more specific information.
Αναβάθμιση στο τελευταίο KDE
Το openSUSE πάντα παρέχει την τελευταία έκδοση του KDE. Υπάρχει ένας οδηγός για να κάνετε αναβάθμιση SDB:KDE_upgrade
Are packages X, Y, Z available anywhere? How can I search for packages?
The vast majority of packages will be available in the standard recommended repositories. However, there are hundreds of other packages available through the Build Service as well. There is a package search which will search the standard online repositories, Packman, as well as the Build Service, at packages.opensuse-community.org.
Composite manager (Compiz/Compiz-Fusion)
Can I get Compiz running on openSUSE?
Sure. Compiz is available in the Build Service. Plugins and settings tools are Compiz-Fusion; for a guide on setting Compiz up, see Compiz. Recent releases of Compiz can be found on Build Service repositories. There is a guide and more information on Compiz available at Compiz.
If you use KDE 4, you should use the native composite manager KWin.
Μπορώ να βρώ μια λίστα υποστηριζόμενου υλικού;
Υπάρχει μια διαθέσιμη λίστα συμβατότητας υλικού. Η λίστα αυτή δεν διαθέτει όλες τις συσκευές αλλά περιέχει αρκετές πληροφορίες που μπορεί να βοηθήσουν.
Πώς μπορώ να κάνω την συσκευή μου να δουλέψει;
Καταρχήν ψάξτε το μοντέλο του υλικού σας στην σελίδα wiki του openSUSE και δείτε εάν μπορείτε να βρείτε πληροφορίες.
Οδηγοί για κάρτες γραφικών
Πως εγκαθιστώ τους οδηγούς για ATI/Nvidia;
Δείτε για την SDB:NVIDIA και για SDB:ATI.
Ασύρματο Wi-Fi
Υπάρχει διαθέσιμη λίστα με υποστηριζόμενες ασύρματες κάρτες;
Σίγουρα, δείτε την στην διεύθυνση http://linux-wless.passys.nl/
Όποια κάρτα έχει "πράσινη" σήμανση, έχει διαθέσιμους οδηγούς για Linux. The majority of them can be compiled into the SUSE kernel by hand, but some, like Atheros and acx100 based chipsets, only need a few RPMs to be installed. Check in a non-OSS repository to locate RPMs, if any.
How can I get my wireless card up and running?
When proprietary Linux wireless drivers were made available by the manufacturer, there is a reasonable chance that an older wireless card will work immediately after being configured within YaST. For newer wireless cards, if a Linux wireless driver was proprietary, then openSUSE may need additional drivers (such as the SDB:Atheros madwifi driver), followed by configuring the card/driver with YaST. For wireless cards where no native Linux driver is available, it may be necessary to use SDB:Ndiswrapper.
Web κάμερες
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Τι είναι το AppArmor?
- Το Novell AppArmor είναι ενα αποτελεσματικό και εύκολο στη χρήση σύστημα ασφαλείας για Linux που προστατεύει το σύστημα Linux και τις εφαρμογές από επιθέσεις, ιούς και επιβλαβή εφαρμογές. Το AppArmor δεν είναι ένα πρόγραμμα firewall ή αντιβιοτικό πρόγραμμα --είναι ένα ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα απαγόρευσης εισόδου στο σύστημά σας.
Τι κάνει σε σύγκριση με το SELinux;
- Το SELinux implements labeled security, which applies a tag identifying the appropriate security level to each data file. Although this feature is valued by intelligence agencies, it introduces a significant level of complexity and its applicability to commercial enterprise is limited. Thus, while both AppArmor and SELinux strive for the same objective, AppArmor is much easier to deploy and maintain:
- AppArmor includes a fully automated, YaST-based tool set for developing security policy. In contrast, the SELinux method for creating and modifying a program's policy is mostly text-based, requires many steps, and involves a significant amount of manual configuration and intervention.
- The AppArmor solution is extremely auditable--AppArmor policies are human readable and easily understood.
- No expert knowledge is required. Unlike SELinux, just about anyone can use the AppArmor tools to configure a system and protect it from malicious software.
- Applications don't have to be modified at all to be protected by AppArmor. To get the full power of SELinux, applications must be recompiled and linked against SELinux libraries.
Υπάρχει διαθέσιμη τεκμηρίωση για το AppArmor?
- Δείτε την σελίδα wiki του AppArmor.