Welcome to the Factory Portal edit
The Factory distribution is the current state of the development for the next openSUSE release (the next release name is 12.2 in July of 2012). The development releases of the openSUSE distribution like Milestones or Release Candidates are snapshots from this distribution. There is constantly work going on in Factory. Every time a developer submits a fix, version update, new feature or new package it is built. So the Factory repository can be in any state and is a moving target. Only the development releases do get some basic testing before the release. Each of the architectures is synced to the download server only when it is in a consistent state e.g. all builds have completed. That usually happens only once or twice a week.
Hence it is mainly useful for developers and experienced testers. They use it as an always up-to-date development and testing platform. If you rather look for a more up-to-date openSUSE without the instability that comes with Factory, try Tumbleweed
Resources edit

About Factory
- Learn how factory is developed
- The Factory release schedule
- Factory is maintained by the openSUSE Release Team

Contribute to Factory
- Learn how to report bugs on Factory
- You can query openFATE for all open requested features for the openSUSE distribution
- Learn how to contribute to packages in Factory
- Do's and don'ts for Factory Developers
Communicate edit
Development discussions happen on the openSUSE mailing lists, in Bugzilla, openFATE and on IRC (#opensuse-factory). The most important mailing lists to follow Factory development are:
- opensuse-factory@opensuse.org - Discussion about all Milestone and RC versions of openSUSE.
Εγγραφή - Διαγραφή - Βοήθεια - Ιστορικό - opensuse-packaging@opensuse.org - RPM packaging-oriented mailing list.
Εγγραφή - Διαγραφή - Βοήθεια - Ιστορικό
Besides those many more mailing lists for specific topics and development projects exist.
News edit

Distribution News from news.opensuse.org:
- Mar 21: Invitation to openSUSE.Asia Summit 2025 - Faridabad, India— admin@opensuse.org (openSUSE Asia Summit India Team)
- Mar 21: Choose Freedom, Not Trialware— admin@opensuse.org (Douglas DeMaio)
- Mar 19: SUSE extends eLearning discount to openSUSE Members— admin@opensuse.org (Douglas DeMaio)
- Feb 28: AI hands out Windows keys, but Linux never had a lock— admin@opensuse.org (Douglas DeMaio)
- Feb 27: Tumbleweed Monthly Update - February 2025— admin@opensuse.org (Douglas DeMaio)
Releases edit
Επόμενη έκδοση: </center>

- openSUSE Leap 42.2
- openSUSE Leap 42.1
- openSUSE 13.2
- openSUSE 13.1
- openSUSE 12.3
- Evergreen - Έκδοση μακροχρόνιας υποστήριξης
- Tumbleweed - Κυλιόμενη Έκδοση
- Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για παράγωγα